这是一篇读书摘要汇总("The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn")

写这篇文章的灵感来自于之前读Richard Hamming"The Art of Doing Science and Engineering: Learning to Learn". 书的内容来自于他给美国海军的一系列讲座集合, 之后整理成书. 书中Hamming有非常多精彩的观点,但是看书有一个问题就是到最后很难提炼成自己的东西, 所以这种好书就需要时间去吸收, 看完不是结束, 而是行动的开始. 这里选取了十五句本书对我最有影响的话.


“In science, if you know what you are doing, you should not be doing it. In engineering, if you do not know what you are doing, you should not be doing it.” - P49

工程和科学应该有清晰界定的范围, 对于实现工程, 很多时候会参杂着research. 但是要界定research的范围. 应该是在已知面(不应跳进未知领域的坑) 进行探索. 此外, 在工程中未知因素越多, 出问题可能性越大, 应当越简洁越好.


“I believe the best predictions are based on understanding the fundamental forces involved, and this is what I depend on mainly.” - P51

技术和时代变化如此剧烈的现在, 更应该总结和思考什么是基础因素.


“ so long as it takes you to greatness, is none of my business. You must, as in the case of forging your personal style, find your vision of your future career, and then follow it as best you can. No vision, not much of a future.” - P56

尝试制定并不断修正自己的计划. 才能让未来尽可能的与计划相接近.


“The people at the bottom do not have the larger, global view, but at the top they do not have the local view of all the details, many of which can often be very important, so either extreme gets poor results.” - P77

底层视野(执行层)和顶层视野(规划层)都很重要. 盲目的只注重哪一个方面都不会有好结果.


“I suggest you must rethink everything you ever learned on the subject, question every successful doctrine from the past, and finally decide for yourself its future applicability. The Buddha told his disciples, “Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.” I say the same to you—you must assume the responsibility for what you believe.” - P82

批判性思维, 足够清晰的了解问题才能最好的解决问题. 清晰的了解问题必须要经过独立思考的这个过程.


“Mathematics is the language of clear thinking.” - P625



“What you did to become successful is likely to be counterproductive when applied at a later date.” - P713

不断的反思过去的行为, 然后加以学习总结以及改正.


“If you optimize the components, you will probably ruin the system performance.” - P752

部分最优不代表系统最优, 系统工程学的观点. 吴军也讲到过.


“You get what you measure” - Chapter29 Title



“In planning to change yourself clearly, the old Greek saying applies: “Know thyself.” And do not try heroic reformations which are almost certain to fail. Practice on small ones until you gradually build up your ability to change yourself in the larger things. You must learn to walk before you run in this matter of being creative, but I believe it can be done.”



“Why are you not working on and thinking about the important problems in your area?” If you do not work on important problems, then it is obvious you have little chance of doing important things.” - P808



“intellectual investment is like compound interest: the more you do, the more you learn how to do, so the more you can do, etc”

掌握尽可能多的问题模型, 收益会体现在以后的问题上面.


“There is another trait of great people I must talk about—and it took me a long time to realize it. Great people can tolerate ambiguity; they can both believe and disbelieve at the same time. You must be able to believe your organization and field of research is the best there is, but also that there is much room for improvement! You can sort of see why this is a necessary trait. If you believe too much, you will not likely see the chances for significant improvements; if you do not believe enough, you will be filled with doubts and get very little done, chances are only the 2%, 5%, and 10% improvements.”

辩证思考, 至少需要同时看待事物的两个方面.


“All three are essential—you must learn to sell your ideas, not by propaganda, but by force of clear presentation. I am sorry to have to point this out; many scientists and others think good ideas will win out automatically and need not be carefully presented. They are wrong; many a good idea has had to be rediscovered because it was not well presented the first time, years before! New ideas are automatically resisted by the establishment, and to some extent justly.” - P822



“I believe it is—the chief gain is in the effort to change yourself, in the struggle with yourself, and it is less in the winning than you might expect. Yes, it is nice to end up where you wanted to be, but the person you are when you get there is far more important.”
